Birthday Girl – YW

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Yee Wen, Happy birthday to YOU !!!

Her birthday was on 11 Sept. However, we celebrated it yesterday. That’s the simple card that I make on behalf of our gang, as known as ‘Sunway Most Lovely gang’ quoted by Angeline Sie 😉

Well, first of all, ideas are crucial. One concept in my mind ‘hanging’, I was thinking for the day and night on what to do. However, I just think in my mind without any actions to be done. Awhhh..!! Until the end, I fall asleep. I was thinking to wake up and do early in the morning. At last I did woke up and manage to cut the paper as the mock up. As if I gonna to arrange like that and do like that, at the moment, i didn’t have any clear direction of what I am going to do.

When I reached office. Still, the things are inside my mind. Immediately, I took out those used box, cut it then it became my hanging support. Awhh.. Seem it can be done. And later, I get the wishes from all my gangs (whoever she knew). Awh, nice! Everyone got different kind of messages to send to her. In fact, everyone is creative in some way. 😉

I was quite busy on the day itself. When I got back to my work place it is already 5.30pm. I needed to send mails to coordinate some issues. It was 6pm. I started to rush all the things as I just have half an hour left. Luckily I got all the messages, I just need to stick on it. Really appreciate those who manage to spare a bit of time for me to help me up.

Sooner or later, the piece of card was done! Awhhh, that’s so sweet ! I never thought of that could be that nice ! 😉 Lastly, what I felt is that, without contributions of everyone, this card will not be meaningful as it is. Togetherness which bring happiness, you are not alone as always.

Well, Well done everyone. hahhhahah !

Quote to share:

A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver and doer. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca –

Final work piece


Birthday Girl
